The Human Body is No Different Than a Nation – unraveling the Parallels Between Health and Governance
In reality, the human body is no different than a nation. In a nation millions or billions of people live, while in the human body, trillions of cells live. The world population in 2015 was 7.3 billion, while the human body has a population of 37.2 trillion cells.
If there is a constitution that has been made for a nation and the President has to take an Oath upon taking office to preserve, protect and defend it, the human body has its own constitution as well. As a matter of fact, the United States constitution is the oldest in the world and has played a major role in limiting government and creating freedom. One of its most important purposes was to protect the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The human body’s constitution created by the Creator or Nature is no doubt the oldest of all constitutions. It was actually made to limit disease and create freedom from sickness, and protect the rights of life and liberty of all the cells and organs in the pursuit of real happiness of the Spirit living inside. Each part or organ of the constitution was created in a unique manner, not only to self-heal, but also re-create itself. When President Obama took Office, there was a great deal of economic mess due to the policies of the previous government and the nation was in acute financial crisis. Unlike the human body, a nation cannot self-heal and bail itself out of an economic mess or solve any financial crisis. So he had to form a number of teams and policies to bring things back in order.
The goals he made to restore the economic health of the nation have taken almost 7 years to manifest.
You are no different than the President of any nation.
This human body is your nation, and the various organs and cells are the people who voted you into Office to look after their well-being. The only issue is you have forgotten who you are and have allowed negative elements to invade your sovereign territory. By leading an unhealthy lifestyle and giving easy access to foods laden with pesticides and genetically modified organisms to enter your kingdom and create disease, and then bombarding your organs and cells with nuclear-like prescription drugs to contain the damage you’ve lost track of your presidential duties. It’s high time you took the oath to preserve, protect, and defend your body’s constitution to the best of your abilities.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, four passenger planes from the airports of East Coast heading to California were hijacked by 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of them were crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. Within an hour and 42 minutes both 110 storied towers collapsed, while debris and resulting fires led to the collapse of many other adjoining buildings, including the 47 storied World Trade Center. The attacks claimed the lives of 2996 people and caused over USD 10 billion in property damage and USD 3 trillion in overall costs. This was the deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of United States, and 415 of them lost their lives.
Imagine, if after 9/11, President Bush had opened borders and airports to allow free access for terrorists to enter and cause more harm and destruction? Obviously, it would be insane to even think of such a situation. Rather, he did what was ethical by launching a war on terror to eradicate the root cause and strengthen the security network to prevent any further attacks. Many other nations took note of this to strengthen their own security networks, and expanded the powers of law enforcement agencies to prevent such attacks.
Eventually, the leader who claimed responsibility for these attacks, Osama Bin Laden, was tracked in Pakistan 10 years later and brought down by the U.S. military forces in May 2011.
Foods laden with pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified organisms, and prescription drugs, are no different from these terrorists who hijacked the planes and crashed them into the twin towers. The only difference between the two is while the damage inflicted by those terrorists was immediate and the buildings were destroyed within a short span of time, whereas, the destruction from such foods and drugs on the human bodies is gradual. The debris from the twin towers led to the collapse of many adjoining buildings. In a similar fashion, the debris from our lifestyle and wrong food choices cause immense damage to people who are close to us. Those attacks by the terrorists resulted into the deaths of 2996 people, while the death rate from the continuous attacks on the human bodies by terrorists in the form of harmful foods and drugs is staggering. From cancer alone, there were over 8 million deaths worldwide in 2012.
Every year 14 million new cases are being reported and thousands die due to lack of available organs.
As you are the President and your Body is the nation, when will you do what President Bush did after 9/11? Your Body is in a continuous mode of attack by terrorists or toxins that generate from an unhealthy lifestyle, harmful foods, and prescription drugs. They are destroying and killing millions of cells non-stop. So when will you launch a war against them to eradicate the root cause and prevent further attacks? Timing is of great importance and a critical factor in strengthening the security network, which is your immune system, to begin the process of safeguarding the organs and trillions of cells living inside your Body. Just as Osama Bin 2013.
Laden was the leader of the terrorists, there is a leader within you called ‘Procrastination’, which not only protects, but also helps in ample multiplication of the terrorist network of toxins.
While it took 10 years of work and billions of dollars for the American forces to find Bin Laden and bring him down, for you, a simple “To-Do List’ can easily eliminate procrastination and protect your body. As explained in Chapter 2, once you have a list in front of you highlighting the required daily tasks to restore your health, and a resolve to do today what others may leave for tomorrow, and do now, what others may leave for later-you will turn into an Action-taker, and not a procrastinator. It is essential to prepare your ‘Health Restoration To-do List’ with proper care and attention. Each individual’s needs and goals are different, but in general, the list should clearly spell out all the required tasks. You may need to go through this book once again, but in a nutshell, the elements to be taken into consideration should include: A daily exercise plan, intake of sufficient water to keep your body and blood hydrated, fresh organic raw vegetables and fruits, Apple cider vinegar, honey, cinnamon, and ginger drink, weekly fasts, and to avoid all GMO foods.