Knowledge Heals More Than Our Modern Medical Establishment
The story of our ‘Modern Medical Establishment‘ is very similar to this. They have spent trillions of dollars into research and development to produce the modern drugs to save people from dying due to sickness and disease.
Over the years these drugs have been advertised as ‘Miraculous Life-savers’, just like that majestic ship the King got built at an exorbitant cost, which actually destroyed more lives than saved. The same holds true with these drugs and medications, which are not life-savers, but rather life-destroyers. When you begin to take them, they do address the symptoms, just like the ship would have prevented deaths due to flooding.
But gradually these drugs begin to destroy your vital organs and the natural functions of the human body. A casual dose of antibiotics for common colds will eventually lead to many other long-term complications. A drug to reduce high blood pressure can lead to diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and cancer. Neither of these so called miraculous drugs will actually heal any of the ailments; they will only add on to the existing toxic waste in your body and create more disease and death.
The majestic ship was not the answer to flooding, as it resulted into needless deaths and a sheer waste of money.
The most economical and natural alternative could have been underground drainage, that would have not only prevented deaths due to flooding, but also directed the rain water into productive use. The same holds true for these modern drugs, as they are not the answer to cure any disease. Instead of wasting billions on their research and development, a natural alternative to drain the body from toxins and disease-causing bacteria could have easily been found and implemented.
Has any problem been resolved without finding the real cause? Once you find the reason, the next obvious step is practical implementation to eliminate the issue. No external doctor has the power to heal you, as that power lies with our internal doctor. Knowledge can indeed become extremely powerful when practically applied, and the greatest knowledge that exists in the Universe is within us. To know who you really are and how the human body functions internally, is the most important part of that great knowledge.
It is truly amazing to realize that we are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience, rather spiritual beings having a human experience. This body is the home we reside in during our journey on Earth, and the methods to keep it clean are no different from maintaining the physical home we live in, Regular daily inner cleansing with water is essential to drain out the toxins that lead to sickness and disease. My previous book, Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health; highlights the importance and benefits of drinking one and a half to two litres of water daily. If you do not have access to this book, you can visit my website, and check out the article ‘Amazing Water Therapy’, to know how water plays an instrumental role in keeping the inner body clean, and all organs in optimum health and vitality.
The most vital link to success in any area of our life is to make practical applications of the knowledge that comes our way, as that is the only way to ascertain its authenticity and determine if it works or not. For example, once you know that drinking one and a half to two litres of water daily can prevent and heal various health issues, only practical application will provide the required proof. But the most common problem with the human race is that a great number of people procrastinate, and don’t even make an effort to try something new, unless they end up in a do-or-die situation.
We need to change the way we live, and to avoid health issues the focus should be on prevention rather than rehabilitation.
In his wonderful book, “20,000 Days… and Counting”, Robert D. Smith, describes this issue beautifully in these words: “There are tens of thousands of self-help books on the market, thousands of hours of audio and video recordings to impart life wisdom, non-stop “how-to-live” YouTube videos, and entire TV networks devoted to inspiration. Never before in human history have so many people been ready to discover their purpose in life. But you don’t need a complicated system to get you on your way. The best preparation for living well is to be prepared to die at any time.”
This is true— only if you can learn how to die, will you learn how to live-by making radical changes to your life.
Steve Jobs in his Stanford Commencement speech said,
“Remembering that you’re going to die is the most important 100l I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure, these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly significant. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Your heart knows what’s right for you, don’t be trapped by dogma-which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Listen to your heart, it somehow already knows what you truly want in life. “
As a matter of fact, there’s no need for you to actually die— you only have to allow all those habits to die that are a hindrance to your progress. Procrastination is one such habit that holds most people back from implementing knowledge that comes their way. Perhaps, you’re not even aware that the genes for supernatural success, health, and vitality have been permanently encoded into your spirit. If procrastination is holding you back from laying hands on what you so richly deserve, you’ve to allow it to die a natural death. Even in your body, the cells are constantly dying and making room for new ones. Death, in the real sense of the word and even metaphorical sense, is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent, as it clears the old for the new.
If you observe closely, there’s nothing stagnant in Nature either, old flowers die and the plant gives birth to new ones.
It’s absolutely simple to follow the same very rule to allow old habits that hold you back from moving forward to die, and make room for new ones. Change is the only constant and permanent essence of life, and the only way to move forward is to Change, or else you will be left behind.