New Life

It’s All About Change – The Law Of Change

The Universe we live in is constantly changing, and this is one of the most amazing truths of it all. See how far you have come since the days of childhood and the vast changes that are affecting the lives of people on Earth with each passing year.

It’s only change that moves you forward to become a better and more successful person. After all, the law of change is one of the profoundest laws in existence, and no matter what your present circumstances are, there will be a change for better or worse with or without your input. Obviously, if you decide to take control of your life and make efforts to bring change, then you’ve taken the responsibility to generate the required kind of outcome. Otherwise too, change will definitely come, but it may not be what you desire and could possibly make your situation worse than before.

If you look at the history of humankind, there are numerous people who applied this law successfully to get the desired outcome. The most recent was Barack Obama whose promise to bring about a change made him the first African American President of United States the most powerful and prestigious position in the world. Simply using the law of change as a campaign slogan, his journey from being a junior senator from Illinois to the White House is a great example of the tremendous power of this law. What was that slogan? Change We can believe in, and after that were the three most important words connected to this law—Yes we can.

As his campaign moved on with the slogan of change to higher and higher grounds, this became no less than a national anthem. Rally after rally Senator Obama only had to utter these words, “Fellow Americans, we need to bring change we can believe in,” and there used to be a loud and thunderous applause from his audience who in turn responded with— “Yes we can.”
If Senator Barack Obama could use the law of change successfully to become President Obama, what can stop you from attaining your goals? It’s nothing supernatural that he did, and there’s nothing of that sort you have to do either.

Simply understand how this law works, and make practical application of that knowledge in your daily activities. If procrastination is holding you back from attaining your goals, there is no need for any major concern. You should be happy to know you’re not alone, as eighty percent of the world’s population has the same habit. If you need proof this is a valid percentage, simply look around at your family members and folks at work-place. Observe them carefully for a week, and you’ll know how often they procrastinate and don’t take any action on important issues affecting their work, lives, and health. This is just a minor but critical exercise to affirm how pandemic procrastination is. It is important that you analyze yourself meticulously to find out how deeply this habit is ingrained in you, how it has affected your life so far, and whether you want to move from the eighty to the twenty percent category.

After that the most important question you need to ask yourself is this: Do I really want to make an effort to use the law of change and get procrastination out of my life? If you have answered yes, then you’ve made one of the greatest transformative decisions of your life. A decision to change and take control to become the captain of your ship and the master of your destiny.
Do you know the basic difference between the eighty and twenty percent categories? Many years ago, an enlightened man described it with these simple words: “Life is like a rail-road, and the greater majority of people are like passenger coaches and freight cars. They do perform a useful service but cannot move on their own and have to be pushed or pulled by someone else. Only a few happen to be like the locomotives that not only move themselves but motivate countless others. Without them there would be no progress in the world, humanity would stagnate and eventually drift into savagery.”

The eighty percent category consists of people who are like the passenger coaches and freight cars, while the twenty percent are like the locomotives. All the progress and inventions that have and are taking place to steer us forward and make our lives more comfortable, it is the twenty percent who are directly responsible for that. While the eighty percent are either enjoying the privileges derived from their hard work, or are struggling to understand the reasons behind their inability to move up in life, and thus fulfil their dreams and goals.

If you are in the eighty percent slot, you can easily move into the elite twenty percent club. The only hurdle in-between the two, is your habit of procrastination. It may surprise you to know that it’s extremely easy to get rid of it by following a simple technique I have used since I was twenty years old. It is so simple that you may initially doubt whether it is authentic, and perhaps question if it would really work or not. But believe me, this has been one of the greatest tools responsible for the tremendous overall success I have attained in every area of my life.
Way back in December 1976 while searching for my first job, I met a fellow who shared a very powerful secret with me. I was in his office one afternoon when he showed me a piece of paper lying on his desk, which was basically his ‘To Do List’. It was a plain paper on which he had noted several tasks, and they were numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on. He explained that he would keep adding any new assignments that came during the day, while taking action on the current ones. He would tick mark when a task was completed and prepare a new list in the evening for the following day, and never leave anything at the mercy of his memory. He further added: “I treat this list as very special, and things that most people will leave for tomorrow, I’ll do them today, and what they would do today, I’ll tackle them right now.” Little did I realize at that time, this fellow was sharing a timeless secret the Universe on how to achieve great success in life.

A few days later I was hired, and from the very first day I began working with a ‘To Do List’. Every single task that came my way would immediately go on to this list. I would tick mark when an assignment was completed, and every evening prepare a new list for the following day. I also began treating it as very special, and would do things today what most people will leave for tomorrow, and the tasks of today, I would handle them right away. This simple technique of having a list to work with began doing wonders in my professional and personal life, which even amazed me at that time. My Boss, colleagues, clients and suppliers had only good words about my work, and they all thought I possessed a supernatural memory. They were astonished at how even the smallest task never escaped my mind, and the way every single issue concerning their business or problems was taken care of promptly.

My immediate head in the company was the Business Manager, who was a qualified Chartered Accountant with many years of work experience behind him, and the Owner had high regard for his capabilities in steering the company forward. Due to some personal reasons he resigned two months after I joined, and all his work fell upon my shoulders.
My designation, now as a Business Manager required me to handle the major operations of the company and here I was a young in-experienced twenty year old with no knowledge of my profile or qualifications to back me through. The only thing I did have, which turned out to be my greatest asset, was the ” To Do List, and a firm resolve to tackle every single assignment in the quickest and most efficient manner.

From the day he resigned and lett, I began adding all tasks from his workload onto my list. Not even for a single day did I feel any undue pressure of the extra work or responsibilities, and none of the jobs he handled were neglected or not taken care of in a professional and timely manner. Initially, my Boss was planning to hire a new Business Manager with comparable qualifications and work experience, but after having seen my way of handling work for a couple of weeks, he rather promoted me officially to the position of a Business Manager. The ‘To Do List’ was working wonders for me, but it was not the list alone that was placing my career on a solid foundation.

There was another gem of an advice my cousin gave me the day I was leaving home to begin work. It was the first day of my first job, and I fondly remember when he took me aside and said: “Today you’ll begin your work career and a new life of taking personal responsibility for your welfare, so let me tell you something important that may really help you in the long run. If you work like an employee, you will stay an employee your entire life. But if you work as you own this company, one day you’ll have your own business entity. The choice is definitely yours in which way you wish to work, but the results will be in accordance with the decision you make today.”
I clearly sensed the great mystical wisdom of the law of sow and reap hidden in these simple, yet profound words.

If I worked like an employee, I would obviously sow such seeds of employment and reap accordingly, by remaining an employee all my life. On the other hand, if I worked as if I was the owner of this company, those seeds of personal responsibility and expansion will lead me to having my own business one day. Following this life-changing and enlightening advice from my cousin, and equipped with the magical powers of a ‘To Do List’, today I stand tall with a sense of fulfilment for how far I’ve come and attained supernatural success in every segment of my life.
A few years back I attended Yanik Silver’s Underground Internet Marketing Training in Los Angeles. There were many well-known business millionaires who were guest speakers at this amazing event, and they shared some of their success stories and secrets. A good number of them attributed their overall success mainly to a ‘To Do List’, and one very successful entrepreneur explained in detail how he carried a mini-recorder with him at all times. Any time a task or idea came to his mind he would record it immediately, and then later take action on it. He even suggested to the audience that they should buy and carry their mini-recorders to the bathroom as well, as this is what he does, because a number of creative thoughts usually come in the mornings, and one should never miss to record them.
It’s all about Change, and that’s what you need to move forward in life. The widespread habit of procrastination may be the only element holding you back from all the success and happiness that is an eternal part of your genetic coding.

So the first step in Going Back to Nature and healing yourself is to change this habit. Instead of being a procrastinator— you need to become an Action-taker. If Senator Obama could successfully utilize the Law of Change’ to become President Obama, there is virtually no reason why you cannot do the same and become what you want to be. The “To Do List’ is what you need to begin with to change the habit of procrastination. Once there is a list of work-to-do in front of you and a resolve to do today what most people will leave for tomorrow, and do now, what most will leave for later, you will get on the road of becoming an action-taker, and not a procrastinator.

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