How To Heal Yourself And Soar Higher Like Eagle
A beautiful story that I read on the internet reflects the reality of who we truly are. Once an eagle’s egg was placed in the nest of a chicken. When the egg hatched and the little eagle grew up with other chickens, it always thought of itself to be a chicken.
So the eagle did what the chickens did, and scratched in the dirt for seeds and flew no more than a few feet. One day it saw an eagle flying high up in the open skies and was greatly impressed at how effortlessly the majestic bird was cruising in the air. It wondered what an outstanding bird this must be, and lamented at the thought of being merely a little chicken who couldn’t fly more than a few feet. It imagined how different and exciting life would have been if it had been like that bird, soaring high above to explore the great blue skies. Not realizing that it was also an eagle, it lived the life of a chicken with limitations, and eventually died as a chicken without spreading its wings and gliding high up in the skies.
There exists a great comparison between the eagle’s story and our reality. When we are born as a human being, and as we grow up in the company of other humans, we do what most people do and live an ordinary existence like the majority. When we see some eagles (successful people) rising high above others, we are greatly impressed with their achievements and believe they’re the lucky or chosen ones, while we are born to struggle and suffer like the masses. Not realizing that we too have the seed to become successful, we live the life of an ordinary human being with limitations, and eventually die as an ordinary person without exploring our talents and soaring high up in life.
If you will think of yourself as only a human being, that would be equivalent to the eagle thinking of itself to be a chicken. The truth is, you are the Spirit inside this human body with the power to rise and soar as high you may possibly envision. There are no limitations on you, except those that are self-imposed. The biggest limitation which the majority impose upon themselves is the state and condition of the body they live in. If the organs inside you function in a limitless and optimum manner as they are programmed to, only then, can you too function in a similar manner. If the organs are not working right, it could very well mean that the body is corrupted with wrong elements. Then, only corrupt or wrong actions can happen through such a body.
From thousands of years corruption has been an integral part of human nature. It has become like a plague or virus that has penetrated every segment of our behavior and societies.
Have you ever wondered why? In various Scriptures, flesh has been referred to as evil, weak, or corrupt. Anything that becomes corrupted will emit corrupt vibrations, which will eventually corrupt and weaken the system it controls. You don’t need to know any rocket science to understand this simple theory. If the vehicle through which we operate, the human body, is corrupted, it is obvious that all the organs, cells, and flesh, which are part of it, will become corrupted too. The only way to rid the flesh of such impurities, is to rid the body from all corrupted forces.
Corruption in the world today is generally defined in various ways, which include: stealing, embezzlement, fraud, bribery, and a most modern and dignified word-lobbying.
Each of these acts are corrupt in nature and are generally related to the misuse of public authority by politicians and people holding positions of power. When you vote people into offices to run the affairs of your city or nation, the biggest complain we have is that most officials become corrupt. Then, they perform corrupt actions to gain personal benefits or favor a certain elite segment of the community at the expense of the common man. When companies like Monsanto and its partners spend over USD 30 million to lobby members of the US House of Representatives to pass a bill like the DARK Act, and take over the basic rights to Know what’s in the foods of those very voters who voted them into office, that becomes the most elite form of corruption in the so-called civilized society.
In sports bodies and organizations, which do not directly affect the common man, corruption has been gradually on the ISe in the 21st century, In 2015, the FIA corruption scandal rocked the football world, when the United Sites Federal Bureau of Investigation indicted 14 top officials including a former president of the federation on charges of receiving USD 150 million in bribes. In India, BCCI, the governing body that controls and runs the affairs of the most popular sport in Asia, cricket, have had numerous scandals involving bribery and money laundering, in which top officials and even players have been involved. When investigations are launched by the governing bodies, the corrupt acts only increase, as the officials of the investigative bodies become a part of the corrupt nexus.
When a political party or any leader comes to power through a democratic process in any nation, it means, that they were able to influence people to vote in their favor.
This is usually done against a backdrop of a wide range of campaign promises. Today, in all developing countries the subject of corruption is one of the most significant issues in an election year, as people are fed up with political unethicalness. During the campaign trail it is common for the leaders of the opposition parties to highlight the corruption scandals of the government in power. They will normally use popular campaign slogans, such as, “If elected, we will uproot corruption and not tolerate dishonesty from even a single member of our government.” Many elections are won in a landslide manner on such anti-corruption platforms, but soon the new government ministers and officials stand accused of similar acts.