Go Back To Nature And Heal Yourself
To go back to Nature, it’s important to first understand your true nature. I have talked enough about the importance of knowing your Self, and hope you can now relate to who you really are in this human body.
It is equally vital to realize, there is no ‘Death’ as far as your existence in the Universe is concerned. The body you live in has, and will perish from time to time, but not you, as the Spirit has been made to last for eternity. In the same manner, the body too has been made to function for a certain period of time without any problems. As a matter of fact, there existed an age when people lived for 900 years, a fact that is recorded in many books of knowledge. It is said that Noah and many others of that era lived to a healthy fruitful life of 950 years. Since they were well acquainted with the laws of nature, they definitely made good use of them to have long productive years on Earth.
Gradually as time went by, we lost touch with ourselves and the eternal knowledge of living in a healthy disease free body for a lifetime. At present the average age is 75 years, but even for these many years the majority cannot live in a healthy and productive manner. The body that was made to function without any problems for 900 years, now seriously begins to malfunction around the age of fifty. From thereon, its survival largely depends on a regular intake of drugs and medications that create havoc with the internal organs, making them weaker with each passing year. Just look around to see how many folks around the age of fifty and beyond take medications to control blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease, and a number of other ailments.
Eventually these drugs lead to life threatening problems like cancer, and then the shockingly painful treatment includes radiation and chemotherapy. I’ve seen the last days of a cancer patient who went through this; the pain and trauma was so intense, that it’s hard to describe in any possible words. So even the 75 years that people spend in the human body are unhealthy, unproductive, and full of pain and suffering. On the other hand, a majority of those who are fortunate to cross the age of eighty or ninety, simply exist as zombies, having lost either their memories, eyesight, general physiological or psychological wellbeing.
Without any doubt the greatest wonder machine on Earth is the human body. It contains amazing instruments known as organs, which no science can replicate. The magical part is that every organ is not only self-healing, but also keeps on re-creating itself indefinitely; be it the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive, or the reproductive system. Since you’re the bona-fide owner of this wonder machine, one of your greatest responsibility is to ensure the self-healing and re-creation process goes on in the most efficient manner. The fact is, you are the creator of your very own body, and whatever condition it may be presently in, let there be no illusions in your mind it’s your very own creation. Another fact you should never forget— you have all the creative powers you will ever need to change your body and organs any time you wish to.
The human body has over 37 trillion cells that are responsible for various functions, including healing and regeneration. Every three months, on average, old cells die and new ones take birth. Ancient healing sciences like Ayurveda have long stood by time-tested principles of how the human body degenerates and regenerates by the kind of life an individual lives. They all confirm one basic truth— health and regeneration is the natural state of the body, while disease and degeneration is its un-natural state. Depending upon regular physical activity and proper diet, one can be young and vibrant in every area of their lives even at age one hundred.
To add confirmation to the principles of natural healing sciences, modern medical science has published facts about how long it takes a healthy body to regenerate or grow new organs, skin, and cells. They have discovered that regeneration takes place in two basic steps. First, the old cell matter is channeled to the intestines through the blood stream for elimination with the food waste. Second, new cell matter is created from nutrients found in foods that an individual consumes. These nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal walls into the blood stream, and then distributed to the entire body for the regeneration process to continue unabate.
According to their research, new red blood cells are formed every 120 days, new skeleton every 90 days, new brain cells and tissue every 60 days, new stomach lining every 5 days, and a new liver every 45 days.
Our lives on Earth are governed by various universal laws, and one important law is the law of sow and reap. This law applies to every area of our life, including regeneration and degeneration of the body. Since new cell matter and the subsequent organ development takes place according to nutrients from the foods we consume, it all depends on the kind of foods we are providing our body. Good foods will obviously provide good nutrients, resulting into good cell matter and good organs. On the other hand, unhealthy foods will undoubtedly provide bad nutrients, resulting into bad cell matter and weak organs. The law of sow and reap plays out perfectly in every segment of our lives. As we are the creators of our body, the creation will happen exactly in accordance with the foods and nutrients we provide our bodies every day. Of course, regular physical exercise, yoga, acupressure, Reiki etc., have their own important benefits in keeping the mind and body fit, but there is definitely no substitute to foods in the regeneration and degeneration processes of the body.
It doesn’t matter in what state your body currently is and what state the various organs are at the present moment. Nor does it matter how badly you may have abused the body with wrong foods, drugs and medications. The good news is, the moment you begin to feed the same body with healthy foods, the regeneration process begins to move in the right direction from the nutrients derived from those foods. Change never happens overnight as it is a gradual step by step process, so it is important to understand how this works.
As old cells are replaced by new ones, the change in diet becomes the basic foundation for regeneration. For example, if new red blood cells are formed every 120 days, the nutrients from the good foods will gradually affect the new in-coming cells. It will take three complete cycles of 120 days each for the red blood cells to reach the optimum healthy performance level. For the skeleton, it will be three cycles of 90 days each, and for the liver three cycles of 45 days each. In a similar way all other cells and related organs will be renewed in accordance with a certain time frame.
Nature moves in an extremely orderly manner at a unique consistent pace. Why does it take nine months for a child to be born? Because, that is the required time period for all the organs in the body to develop to the optimum level. At times due to the medical condition or health of the mother, premature delivery takes place. In such cases the newborn is kept in an incubator for the remaining period of pregnancy to provide womb-like conditions for the organs to develop fully. In a similar vein, the regeneration of every organ of the human body takes places according to Nature’s standard time frame. There’s no question of premature delivery where regeneration of your organs is concerned, and there is no incubator in which they can be placed for the remaining time period, in case you cease following your new diet plan and way of life.
To understand the regeneration process of the body clearly, let’s compare it to pregnancy. When a woman conceives, the doctor would normally advise her to follow a certain lifestyle, which might be quite different from the routine. For delivering a healthy bouncing baby, her daily diet may include things like, fresh raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, milk, supplements etc. If drinking alcohol or smoking is a part of her daily or weekly activities, she will be advised to stay away from them during the entire term of pregnancy, as they may hamper the growth process and proper organ development of the child. In general, the doctor would recommend various other health measures, like taking in sufficient fresh air and sunshine, keeping calm and staying happy all the time.
During the time of pregnancy, a woman normally forgets about her personal likes and dislikes, and is more concerned about the child developing in her womb. For instance, she may not like to eat raw vegetables or may have a strong disliking for milk, but if she has been told these are good for the baby, she’ll gladly have them without any fuss. She may be fond of having a drink or two in the evenings or weekends, or smoking cigarettes, but during pregnancy she will sacrifice all that to give her best to the life inside of her.
This is exactly what you have to do when you’re ready to begin the process of regeneration of your cells and organs. You will have to forget your likes and dislikes and provide good foods to the living and developing organs of your body.
In more simpler and straight forward terms, you would have to become pregnant with this truth that you indeed are the creator of your very own body and your organs are very much like a child developing in a womb.