New Life

A New Way Of Life – The Timeless Practice of Fasting for Body and Earth Regeneration

To begin a new way of life, the first step is to accept the responsibility of becoming a Gardener, and the garden in question is your very own body. Creation began from the Garden of Eden, which is considered in Scriptures as the purest place on Earth.

The Human Body is also called the Temple of God, and should be considered equally pure. If today most people agree that humankind has been gradually destroying the Earth we live on, it’s a direct reference to the destruction of the human body. The continuous pollution of planet Earth with all kinds of chemicals is directly due to the state of our bodies. If you’re not concerned about the deterioration of your own body due to an unhealthy lifestyle, how much will the destruction of Earth matter to you? To save the Earth, we’ll have to save our bodies first.

There’s no other way, but to take individual responsibility to keep your body clean and chemical free. Whatever a gardener does to Keep the garden intact, that’s what you have to do. To plant the seed of good health the foremost requirement is fertile soil. Due to your current lifestyle such fertility may not be in existence at this time, but that should not be a problem. If the land within you is infertile, it can be easily turned fertile by a simple age-old practice that has been known to the wise-men since time immemorial.

This timeless practice is called-Fasting, and it not only helps in clearing toxins from the body, but also greatly aids in rejuvenating all the internal organs. Prophets and learned men of every generation have laid great emphasis on practicing this cleansing process regularly. In fact, the practice of fasting has been embodied into religious practices of every world religion. For Muslims, there’s a 30 day mandatory fasting once a year during the month of Ramadan, when they can only eat before dawn and after sunset. In Christianity, there’s a 40 day fast every year during the Lent period, beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter.

Although the rules may vary, but in general, members can have one meal in the evening, but they must avoid meats, meat products, fish, eggs, and alcohol. Besides this annual fast, some Christian sects follow a weekly fast, when they must abstain from eating foods for 24 hours. In the Hindu religion there are various monthly and yearly fasts, but as a regular practice fasting is recommended once a week for 24 hours. All these religions highlight the same theme that fasting will bring you closer to God by making your body pure and help to receive his favors abundantly.

The scientific world whole-heartedly agrees to this religious theme that fasting helps to make the human body pure by eliminating toxins, wastes, and dangerous poisons that make you sick and age prematurely. The 15th century physician, Paracelsus, highlighted that fasting was the greatest remedy and the physician within. While Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, said: “Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness.”

Fasting is indeed the ultimate detoxifying method to enhance the miraculous self-healing processes of the human body to keep you healthy, young, and vibrant throughout the living years. Have you ever noticed when a dog or a cat is not feeling well, they stop eating for a day or two. The same animal instinct is also a part of the human physiology, but the majority of us hardly pay any heed to such a vital aspect of our wellbeing. Our body speaks to us all the time, but most people rarely listen to it, and at the first sign of any discomfort or ailment they usually head to a physician or pharmacist to find a cure with the help of modern drugs and medications. Hippocrates never prescribed such drugs.

For every disease in the acute stage he always advocated a simple water fast. In general, fasting is like a medical surgery without any operation or incisions to cut you open and take out accumulated toxins, damaged or diseased tissues, waste buildups, cancerous growths and fat deposits through your skin, blood stream, liver, and kidneys. Nowadays due to an increased aesthetic awareness and pressure to look good, people opt for surgeries to remove fat deposits from their body. But these deposits, toxins, and buildups are the main culprits that lead to every kind of sickness and life-threatening health ailments.

No surgery, except fasting, can permanently remove or eradicate them. The learned men or prophets of various religions were well acquainted with the science behind the human body. They also knew how difficult it was for the masses to follow a disciplined way of life to care for their bodies and be in good health. So they incorporated fasting into their religions as a compulsory practice for people to follow for winning favors from God, or as a sign of being a good Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or Christian.

Today, a great number of people, worldwide, follow the religious fasting, but the majority undertake only the yearly fasts. Muslims fast for 30 days during Ramadan and Christians do it for 40 days during the Lent period, while Hindus have various yearly, monthly, and weekly fasts. It should be noted that Islam promises exceptional rewards to those who fast once every week. Some Christian sects also advocate a weekly 24 hour fast, while a segment of Hindus fast once or twice a week.

Toxins, wastes, cancerous growths and fat deposits are building up in our bodies every day. If one has to wait for a year to do a 30 or 40 day fast, it would be too late to cleanse the body and avoid sickness or disease. Is it possible that you eat only once a year for 30 or 40 days, and then stay hungry a scenario? If not, then how can the human body survive without elimination of dangerous toxins and waste buildups for 11 months? The rewards that religions promise through regular fasting are the rewards of good health. Once you fast every week, the accumulated wastes and toxins will be eliminated the same week and not carried over. No toxins-no disease, this is the simple law of nature which the modern medical establishment duly endorses.

To enjoy vibrant health at any age a weekly 24 hour fast is most essential. The best way is to do it the Hippocratic way by undertaking a water fast. Hippocrates practiced medicine in the 4th century B.C., and today modern medical doctors take the Hippocratic Oath upon graduation. A part of that oath highlights: “I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.” What did he really do to not only prevent, but also treat disease, which today’s doctors don’t? He prescribed a simple water fast; and if you follow this prescription you can prevent disease not whenever you can, but every single week.

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